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Audio Version of Article: Crazy-Makers: Passive-Aggressive People

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Free Meditation Audios

Related reading:

Loving Kindness Meditation

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Loving Kindness Meditation with music

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Compassion Meditation

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Compassion Meditation with music

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Pathways Meditation

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Yogic Breath Training

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Loving Kindness Meditation
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Audio meditation using the Buddhist psychology method of Loving Kindness. This method helps you to develop a more positive attitude towards others and towards all things. The positive attitude developed with the use of this meditation will help you to feel better about yourself as well.

Although Buddhist psychology uses the meditations from Buddhism, these meditations are not a religious practice but a way of approaching life that creates greater inner peace and contentment.

When you listen to a meditation, don't try to force the feelings but just allow yourself to experience it. If other thoughts distract you, just allow yourself to refocus very gently back to the meditation. Over time you will find yourself more able to focus and experience it to greater levels.

Do not use while operating a car!


Compassion Meditation
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Buddhist Temple image Audio meditation using the Buddhist psychology method of Compassion. The development of compassion increases awareness of others' suffering and cultivates the desire to alleviate this suffering. This method has you imagine the suffering of others and transform it into compassion. The positive attitude developed with the use of this meditation will help you to feel greater compassion towards yourself as well.

Although Buddhist psychology uses the meditations from Buddhism, these meditations are not a religious practice but a way of approaching life that creates greater inner peace and contentment. This Compassion meditation is a more advanced technique so it is best to use the Loving Kindness meditation for a period of time prior to using this meditation.

When you listen to a meditation, don't try to force the feelings but just allow yourself to experience it. If other thoughts distract you, just allow yourself to refocus very gently back to the meditation. Over time you will find yourself more able to focus and experience it to greater levels.

Do not use while operating a car!


Pathways Meditation
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Frequently, people are searching for the "perfect" life believing that if they make the right choices life will be pleasant and easy. They may believe that by controlling every aspect of their own life and those they love they can prevent any hardship. However, by focusing on controlling life, they are unable to fully appreciate their own path through life.

Or, people may be envious of other people's lives. They may believe that others have better lives or have made better choices. In the process of focusing on others' lives they are unable to see the value in their own life.

This audio is to help with viewing your own path through life in a different way. It is meant to be listened to repeatedly as a meditation because you may gain different insights when you listen to it at different times.

When you listen to a meditation, don't try to force the feelings but just allow yourself to experience it. If other thoughts distract you, just allow yourself to refocus very gently back to the meditation. Over time you will find yourself more able to focus and experience it to greater levels.

Do not use while operating a car!


Yogic Breath Training
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Meditating Buddha Yogic breath is a meditative type of breathing that is often good to use at the beginning of your daily meditative practice. However, it can also be practiced periodically throughout the day.

Although this method is not for immediate anxiety relief, the daily practice of it can help prevent or reduce overall levels of anxiety.

Initially, when you begin this practice you may not be able to do it as slowly as it is described. Start with a count that is comfortable for you and eventually you will be able to gradually slow down your breath. The transcript for the audio is below so that you can practice this method in the way that works best for you.


Index to PsychNotes on Mindfulness and Relaxation Methods
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