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Cognitive Diary Examples

Passive-Aggressive Q&A







Goal Setting








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Audio Version of Article: Crazy-Makers: Passive-Aggressive People

Audio Version of Article: Why Are People Mean? Don't Take It Personally!

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All Audio Articles

Children's Cognitive Stories Index

Cognitive Story Audio:
Feeling Sad Because Friends Were Mean

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Cognitive Story Audio:
So Hard to Speak Up in Class

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Cognitive Story Audio:
Feeling Hurt Because of Bullies

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Cognitive Story Audio:
Hard to Make Friends

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Cognitive Story Audio:
Sharing Exciting Day

If you use these audios, please support their development. Just $1 for each audio you use could greatly help with creating more audios!

Cognitive Story Audio:
Feeling Sad Because Friends Were Mean
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Parrots: Listen to all advice This is a cognitive story for children. The purpose is to help children learn how to handle different situations. A cognitive story teaches children how to think rationally about problems that commonly occur in childhood. These stories are often good at bedtime because the end of the story focuses on relaxing and drifting off to sleep.

This audio is a conversation between a wise old parrot and a child. The parrot advises the child when the child is troubled about being hurt by friends. The story the audio is based on is also listed below so that it can be read to a child.

As told by Carol Watkins, professional storyteller. Written by Dr. Monica Frank.

Cognitive Story Audio:
So Hard to Speak Up in Class
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This is a cognitive story for children. The purpose is to help children learn how to handle different situations. A cognitive story teaches children how to think rationally about problems that commonly occur in childhood. These stories are often good at bedtime because the end of the story focuses on relaxing and drifting off to sleep.

This audio is a conversation between a wise old parrot and a child. The parrot advises the child when the child is feeling afraid of what others might be thinking when answering questions in class. The story the audio is based on is also listed below so that it can be read to a child.

As told by Carol Watkins, professional storyteller. Written by Dr. Monica Frank.

Cognitive Story Audio:
Feeling Hurt Because of Bullies
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This is a cognitive story for children. The purpose is to help children learn how to handle different situations. A cognitive story teaches children how to think rationally about problems that commonly occur in childhood. These stories are often good at bedtime because the end of the story focuses on relaxing and drifting off to sleep.

This audio is a conversation between a wise old parrot and a child. The parrot advises the child when the child is feeling hurt because of being bullied. Many children feel bad about themselves when bullied. This story is to prevent those longer term consequences of bullying by helping the child understand that he or she is not wrong or bad, that it is the bully who was wrong. The story the audio is based on is also listed below so that it can be read to a child.

As told by Carol Watkins, professional storyteller. Written by Dr. Monica Frank.

Cognitive Story Audio:
Hard to Make Friends
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This is a cognitive story for children. The purpose is to help children learn how to handle different situations. A cognitive story teaches children how to think rationally about problems that commonly occur in childhood. These stories are often good at bedtime because the end of the story focuses on relaxing and drifting off to sleep.

This audio is a conversation between a wise old parrot and a child. The parrot advises the child when the child is feeling sad because it is hard to make friends. This story is to help the child know that nothing is wrong with him or her. Also, it encourages the child to keep trying to be friendly with others. The story the audio is based on is also listed below so that it can be read to a child.

As told by Carol Watkins, professional storyteller. Written by Dr. Monica Frank.

Cognitive Story Audio:
Sharing Exciting Day
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This is a cognitive story for children. The purpose is to help children learn how to handle different situations. A cognitive story teaches children how to think rationally about problems that commonly occur in childhood. These stories are often good at bedtime because the end of the story focuses on relaxing and drifting off to sleep.

This audio is a conversation between a wise old parrot and a child. The parrot advises the child when the child is feeling excited about something good that happened but not wanting to brag and make friends feel bad. This story is to help the child know to handle the situation including ways to think about it and how to share in a way that friends may be more receptive. The story the audio is based on is also listed below so that it can be read to a child.

As told by Carol Watkins, professional storyteller. Written by Dr. Monica Frank.

Relaxation for Children Index
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Relaxation Audio: Rainbow Sandbox

Relaxation Audio: Bouncing Ball Mindfulness

Relaxation Audio: Magic Book Relaxation

Relaxation Audio: Magical Forest

Relaxation Audio: Magic Bubbles

Relaxation Audio: Cloud Castles