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PsychNotes Index

More PsychNotes: Performance, Success and Goal Attainment

How to Succeed at Goals (or Why Goals Fail)
by Monica A. Frank, PhD

When people first make goals, they visualize success. When you initially develop your New Year's goals, whether it is days or hours in advance, you think about what you want to achieve and how you will achieve it. You envision succeeding. No one sets goals thinking "I can't do that." They set them with hope and a picture of what success looks like.

When people fail at achieving goals, what has usually changed is the internal image. Instead of imagining success, they are visualizing failure. “This is too hard—I can't do this.” Think of the last time you didn't achieve a goal you set--somehow your image became negative. Perhaps you took that drink or overate or had a smoke. The problem wasn't the act but that it changed your thinking: “I couldn't even do this for a week—why even bother?”

If you want to achieve your goals, keep visualizing success. Especially on those days when you stumble.

Some free audio downloads that can help you visualize success:

Hot Air Balloon Motivation (for general goals)

Thinking Your Way to a Healthy Weight

Sport Motivation

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