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7 Rules and 8 Methods for Responding to Passive-aggressive People
Method 3. Questioning technique
by Monica A. Frank, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist

Read the following to:
  • Learn how to use the questioning method to force the PA person to take responsibility for their PA comment.
Related articles by Dr. Frank:

Previous: Learn how to use the laugh and agree method to negate a PA comment.

Next: Learn about how the broken record method stops the PA harangue and hurtful behavior.

Estimated reading time: 30 seconds

Methods to Use With Passive-aggressive People

Method 3. Questioning technique

The questioning technique makes the PA person have to justify and support their statement. PA people don't want to explain because, again, it forces them to take responsibility for their statements. When you use the questioning technique, it needs to be done innocently with genuine interest.

Following up with multiple questions can frustrate the PA person because it forces responsibility for the statement. Using this technique frequently with the individual can reduce future PA comments.

    Possible questions:
  • Oh, why do you say that?
  • That's interesting. Can you tell me more?
  • What do you mean by that?
  • I'm not sure I understand - can you explain?

Next: Learn about how the broken record method stops the PA harangue.