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Happy Habits: 50 Suggestions--page 13

by Monica A. Frank, Ph.D.
"Happiness is not something you achieve. In fact, the more you try to find happiness, the less likely you will be happy. Happiness occurs by how you live your life."
Now on kindle! Tap to purchase Dr. Frank's articles from Amazon for $2.99. Text-to-speech enabled.


Most people are aware that music can create a mood. Listening to uplifting music tends to create a more positive focus. It can stimulate the brain and release chemicals that help to calm the system and focus the mind.

Create playlists of music that can create the mood you choose. You can have several different playlists. For instance, create a playlist of songs that always make you smile. Create a playlist of songs that energize you. Create a playlist of songs that motivate you.

Listen to the playlist that creates the mood you choose. Although music by itself cannot make you happy, it can help create the conditions for happiness in your life because you are making a choice to take control of your life.


Choose your emotional states rather than trying to justify an emotional state. Happy people have control over their emotions, not by avoiding them but by using them. Too often people try to justify their emotions rather than making a choice about emotions.

For example, someone who is angry listens to angry music which then reinforces the angry state of mind. Therefore, the person tends to remain in that state rather than taking control of the problem that created the state.

The same thing occurs with fears. A person may dwell on a feared situation and seek out information that confirms the fear rather than seeking out disconfirming information.

Keep in mind that emotions are to serve you, not you serve them. Happy people don't avoid emotions but they don't dwell on the negative emotions either. They allow emotions to serve their purpose but they don't keep re-creating negative states.


Happy people tend to be deeply involved with others. They care about helping others and will make the effort to make a difference in their lives. When you make the effort to help someone else, it often gives you much more in return. Helping others allows you to feel more connected to the world and can provide meaning to life.

Happy people tend to have a connection to something greater than themselves. For some people this can be their spiritual beliefs but it doesn't have to be. When you believe that you have a sense of purpose, that what you do has meaning, it helps to create the conditions for happiness in your life. Giving your time to help someone else is placing importance on something outside of yourself.


Taking responsibility for your actions helps you to make better decisions in your life which leads to better outcomes. Many unhappy people tend to blame everyone and everything else for their misfortune. They see themselves as controlled by forces outside of themselves such as luck or circumstances. They tend to believe that successful and happy people are just more fortunate.

However, happy people tend to take responsibility for their actions whether good or bad. This doesn't mean they are overly critical of themselves, but when they make mistakes they assess the situation and their decisions so they can make improvements. Such a willingness to assess themselves honestly often leads to better outcomes. As a result, happier people tend to create more success in their lives.

In addition, when happy people succeed they allow themselves to fully enjoy their success. They don't feel guilty or undeserving of success because they are also willing to accept failure.

Therefore, you can create the conditions for happiness in your life by being more willing to accept responsibility for your decisions and actions. However, responsibility does not mean just apologizing or feeling regret for mistakes but it means truly taking corrective action.


When in doubt, do the nice thing. When you are confronted with a choice that tends to cause uncertainty and inaction, choose the nice thing.

Many times in life we are confronted with situations in which we are uncertain how to act. For instance, a friend of yours lost a loved one and you are thinking of your friend on the anniversary of the death. However, you are uncertain whether to say anything for fear of causing pain. When in doubt, take action and do the nice thing. In this circumstance, it means go ahead and contact your friend. If what you thought was the nice thing turns out to be wrong, at least you tried. But more times than not, your efforts will be appreciated.

There are so many times when people do nothing because they are uncertain whether their instinct is right or not. For instance, you see someone crying on the bus. Your first instinct may be to ask if you can help, but then you tell yourself that it is not your business. When in doubt, do the nice thing.

Simple opportunities to do the nice thing occur everyday. Sometimes it can just be smiling at someone or wishing them a good day. How you treat others impacts how you feel about yourself. Happier people are simply nicer people.